Be an Advocate

Want to become an Advocate?

We are all a part of a team to reach the lost. Praying, giving, going, and sharing are all important aspects of this ministry. Each one of us heard about UIM Aviation from someone. Will you be that person who introduces UIM Aviation to someone for the first time? An Advocate helps promote the minsitry of UIM Aviation through social media, email, and sharing about us with your friends and church. We need YOU to help us spread the word about what the Lord is doing in the ministry.

Stay connected

We also send out emails to keep you informed of
what is happening with the ministry. Sign up for our newsletter which has story spotlights and prayer requests every month.


Let us know If you would like to promote our ministry by being an advocate


You can impact so many lives.
Hear more stories like this one in the video when you sign-up for our newsletters.