A Moving Experience

Recently, we had a moving experience. Specifically, a dirt moving experience. (terrible, I know) Our airstrip in Chihuahua was in need of some help. After only three rains, the weeds grew up, seemingly over night! Were you to look down the length of it, you would note that the center of the airstrip was considerably lower than the sides. Consequently, when the rains come, all the weed and thorn seeds are washed from the edges into the center where they take root and grow. As a general rule, thorns are not a desirable airstrip decoration. 


The grader doing its job

We needed to remove the center depression to avoid this. This week we contracted to have the airstrip fixed. The cupping was removed and the airstrip was leveled. A slight crown in the center of the airstrip was erected to keep the weed seeds from washing in the future. A shallow berm along the edges is also intended for the same purpose.

The grader at work

While the equipment was finishing up its work, the company's foreman asked me to come join him in the shade. A day earlier he had asked me about what we do and about my beliefs. I was able to briefly share the Gospel with him and two other workers. In the shade, he returned to the topic, wanting to know a bit more. So I returned to the Gospel. In response he told me about one of his workers whose brother was a Christian pastor. This pastor's life allegedly did not match his preaching at all. His brother therefore wanted nothing to do with Christianity. What a tragedy! Woe to the one who takes the name of Christ and then refuses to walk in the fear of the LORD!


After finishing playing in the dirt, I hopped over to the international airport for a load of fuel. That gave me a chance to take a picture of the airstrip from above. It sure is nice (and a safer) without all the thorny shrubs!

Chihuahua airstrip from our plane flying over

At the international airport, Miguel showed up with the fuel truck. I hadn't seen him for quite a while. When he opened the truck door to climb down, on a whim, I asked him: "So, have you surrendered yourself to Christ yet?" His answer: "More than ever." Now that was odd! Over the years, we have spoken about Christ various times, but he has always been blasé and even bit condescending about it. I asked him what he meant by that answer. He explained that he had actually suffered a heart attack right there on the ramp. He'd passed out and come to again in the hospital recovery room with two new heart valves. Then, about two months later, they discovered he had malignant tumors in his neck. He has now been through surgery and chemo, and is suddenly interested in God. The reality of life's frail brevity is suddenly acute to him. I asked and he allowed me to pray for him right there between the airplane and fuel truck.

Written by Michael Busentiz, UIMA chief pilot

Thank you to all who donated towards this project.
Because of you, our pilots are now flying safer.

UIM Aviation