Fly Audio Bibles to the People of Mexico

So many of the tribal people in Mexico do not know how to read or write. So how can they hear about the Word of God? Audio Bibles are a practical way for these people to hear the Bible in their own language. UIM Aviation is dedicated to flying to unreached people groups to bring the lifesaving knowledge of the Bible to them.

Flying this team to record the audio Bibles into Tepehuan

The Tepehuan New Testament translation was finalized and printed in 2019. The printed text of God's Word is a tremendous blessing to that indigenous people group in Mexico. But many in the region still do not read. If they are to know God's Word, they are dependent on another person sharing God's Word with them.

Recording the audio Bibles in Tepehuan

For the last month, a missionary, three native men, and two sound technicians have been working to record the entire New Testament in the Tepehuan language for those who cannot read. We had the privilege of returning them to their home village to finish that project! As of this writing, the recordings are complete!
May God, according to his Word, indeed bless these men for reading His Word aloud in their native tongue, bless those who subsequently hear the recordings, and bless those who respond in obedience!

Here they are hard at work in their makeshift recording studio in the mountains of Oaxaca

Mexican people are not alone in this situation. As a matter of fact, the majority of our fellow believers throughout history have not read, but rather listened to the Word of God. In the Old Testament, Israel's leaders read the scrolls to the people (Ex. 24:7; Deut. 31:10-13; Josh. 8:34-35; 2 Kings 23:1-3; Neh. 8:1-8) In the New Testament, God's Word was read in the synagogues (Lk. 4:16-17; Acts 13:15, 27; 15:21). In the early church, the inspired epistles were read publicly (Col. 4:16; 1Thes 5:27). Folks just did not have ready access to reading the Word. Is it any wonder then, that the Bible so frequently speaks of hearing the Word of God (Is 55:3; Lk 8:15, 21; Rom 2:13; 10:17; James 1:22-25; etc.)? Throughout church history, up until the reformation, the printing press, and widespread translation work, the church continued to be dependent on clergy to read God's Word to them. Even today, in remote regions and languages, God's Word is still relatively inaccessible to the individual due to isolation and/or illiteracy. Ethnos 360 passengers are addressing that inaccessibility in one corner of the Sierra Madre Mountains.

Written by Michael Busenitz, UIMA Chief Pilot

There are audio Bibles available in several languages, and they need to get into the hands of the people! We cannot reach these people alone. We need YOU to help the people of Mexico. You can make a difference! Many of them have no means to pay for flights. UIM Aviation subsidizes the flight for the indigenous 100%. This is where we need you! $350 provides one flight hour.

UIM Aviation