Following Jesus

That's what it's all about, right?

 Ephesians 5:1-2 tells us: Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;  And walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. 

I look to the example that Jesus gave us in John 13:14-15 
He washed the disciples' feet, and then he said, "If I your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet, for I have given you an example, that you should also do just as I have done to you".

This is a super important lesson that followers of Jesus must grasp! Putting yourself in a position of servitude creates an opportunity to not only be obedient, but can cause a change in you, as you humble yourself and look up from your knees instead of down on people and situations.

We know that our thoughts and feelings can lead to action, but I think that we frequently fail to realize that our actions can lead us into a different way of feeling or thinking. Making the decision to humble yourself and serve (wash feet) can result in a deeper understanding of others, and cause a genuine compassion to emerge that changes our motive for serving. 

This was the largest group of doctors and dentists that we have ever had, and it turned out that we needed them all. Overall, we had 100 patients come through the clinic.

UIMA pilot, Nathan White, flying one load of many out to the village.

 Shadow Mountain Community Church sent down a team
to help us out with our medical/dental clinic outreach.

This was a roaring success!
The logistical work involved is a lot, but very worth it!

Multiple dentists and two chairs meant more people could be helped.

What does it look like to follow Jesus?

One person hiked ten hours to get to the clinic to receive help. We all enjoyed some great time fellowshipping with some of the local believers as we served the community. One of the things we tried was a meal packet called “One Meal”. This is a small packet of rice and lentils that can feed a family of six. We made a meal for everyone coming to the clinic. The Cora people greatly appreciated the food, especially the ones who had hiked several hours to get there. 

One person hiked up to ten hours to get to the clinic.

The meal packet for 6 people called "One Meal"

We were blessed to serve the physical needs of over a hundred patients and also serve the spiritual side of things as well by praying with the sick, comforting the hurting, and sharing Jesus at every opportunity! We were also able to hold three worship services with biblical teaching in both Spanish and the local Cora language. 

The team from CA trying their hand at making tortillas, Cora style.

We still don't know the ripple effect this outreach will continue to have for the kingdom of God, but we are still getting good reports from others who have heard about it from people who were there, and they are already asking when we will be able to do another one!

The hosting native pastor and his wife receiving some pointers on preparing a message!

Please pray with us, that we will be able to do these outreaches more frequently! There is a lot of work involved, getting all of the doctors and dentists scheduled, purchasing all of the medicine and dental supplies, flying everyone out to the village, providing food for the team etc....

The cost financially is also a factor, but that part is so easy for God!

Worship service with the Cora people after the clinic each night.

Written by Kevin McDaniel, UIMA Tepic Staff

Check Out This Video of the Medical Clinic!

UIM Aviation