Well Drilling Project

Well drilling supplies flown in the Carbon Cub

Water is a precious commodity here in the mountains, especially at the end of the dry season.  Water quality becomes an issue, and the local people often have stomach issues because they are drinking contaminated water.  Friends in Action recently came to help drill a well in a remote community.  The logistics of getting the well drilling equipment to the remote sites can be a challenge.  We are grateful they were able to drill and found a good source of water.  Twice, the drill bit got stuck, but the Lord enabled them to get it unstuck, both times.  Brent was able to support the well drilling process with the Carbon Cub.  When more drilling equipment was needed, an hour in the Carbon Cub saved a five hour round trip in a 4x4 vehicle on a very rough, mountainous road.  Water is a life-giving source.  Our prayer is that this new water source will draw people in, and that they will have the opportunity to receive the Source of Eternal Life, just as the woman at the well, you, and I did. 

Written by Brent and Hollie Mae Dodd, UIMA Staff

UIM Aviation