If it weren't for YOU . . .

Woman with infected eye, her husband, Kevin McDaniel, and Nathan White

The daughter of a Cora pastor (pictured below) who we regularly fly for and who lives in the mountains of Mexico recently called us in serious pain from an unknown infection in her eye. She was not able to get the medical help she needed in her village. We are thankful that we could fly her to the hospital in town.  There she was able to receive the medicine to fight the infection and help with her pain.  

Cora Pastor

This is what her husband had to say:
β€œShe would not be here(alive),
if it were not
for you (UIM Aviation)
if you were not able
to go for her.
I really appreciate you guys.”

Flying woman to receive medical help

One of the biggest needs among the native Indian people is lack of accessibility to medical care. They live hours or days from the nearest hospital. We are on a mission to transform lives in remote Mexican mountain communities. To make a real difference, we urgently need your support to fund a new propeller and engine for our Cessna 206. This vital upgrade will enable us to continue providing essential medical flights, transporting missionaries, church planters, and national pastors to these hard-to-reach areas.

UIM Aviation