Infected Wound

Here on the mission field in West Central Mexico, our UIM Aviation team is doing Kingdom work in service to the Lord, by loving and serving His people!

 Recently we received a call from a native Cora pastor that we work with, asking us to come quickly to a remote airstrip. A relative of the pastor was very sick, and needed to get to a hospital!

 He didn’t have much more information for us,(this is often the case) as the sick young woman lives in a different village. Thankfully, this time we got a phone number, and our UIMA team member Kevin McDaniel, who is an EMT certified in Mexico, was able to communicate with the mother of the sick lady, and obtain more information regarding her condition.

Picking up the patient at the mountain airstrip

As it turns out, the young lady had gone to a small clinic hospital in the mountains about 2 months before with a ruptured appendix. At the clinic, they operated on her, and removed the offending organ, and cleaned up as best they could. But unfortunately the wound became infected, and they went back to the clinic where they removed the stitches, and sent her home with an open wound that measured about 5 inches long!

Kevin McDaniel, EMT, taking the patient's blood pressure

Fast forward a couple of months…..

The mother of the patient told Kevin over the phone, that the girl has been in terrible pain this whole time, and now is unable to eat, can barely walk, and the wound is getting worse.

 After reassuring the concerned mother that every effort would be made on her daughter’s behalf, and praying with her over the phone, Kevin instructed the mother to bring the patient to the airstrip at 9:00 the next morning. 
The rest of the evening was a busy one for the UIMA team, as they prayed for the patient, filled out flight plans, and prepared the medical kit.

Patient and her family being flown to the hospital

 The next morning, Jasson, Nathan and Kevin arrived early to the airport, and worked together to file paperwork, preflight the airplane, and get the needed fuel onboard. Then they said a quick prayer, and Kevin and Nathan took off, and headed to retrieve the patient.

When they landed at the airstrip, the patient was there waiting for them. She was accompanied by her mother, father, and her 10 month old child.

 While Nathan prepared the airplane for the return flight, and loaded bags and passengers, Kevin did a quick assessment of the patient to determine the level of in-flight care required.

 Then they finished loading, said another prayer, and took off for the flight back to town.

Arriving in Tepic and and driving the patient to the hospital

When they landed in Tepic, Jasson had a wheelchair ready, and he and Kevin walked the patient and her family out to Jasson’s suburban, and drove them to the nearest hospital. There they briefed the hospital staff on her condition, and bid them farewell. 

About a week later, they received the good news that the patient is doing very well, and expecting a full recovery! 

 We feel so privileged to be here serving in this way! This is just one example of how God is using the airplane to be a blessing, and sometimes a vital life-saving tool for these people that He loves.

 The young patient and her family live more than 8 hours drive from the hospital, on extremely rough roads! Imagine how agonizing her trip would have been if we hadn’t been available to fly her!

 We thank God, and we also thank all of YOU for your participation in this vital work! You are partnering with us in the “Ministry of Reconciliation” that He has given us! 2 Corinthians 5:18-20

Written by Kevin McDaniel, UIMA Mexico Staff

UIM Aviation